Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Mercury Vapour

High density urban environs, coloured blue by light. It is not the lit sufaces, rather the hue of the resulting showdow that is cooled. Ever noticed how artificial light is hardly ever warm and welcoming, particularly fluorescent, Metal Halide and Mercury Vapor. Photogaphers need to use special film to correct effects of artificial lighting in certain circumstances. In the right conditions even natural moonlight can commute this cool feeling. Classic horror flims have been very resourseful in utilising particular lighting to best effect. This Conté illustration could be of a high rise city or just as easily, the CPU of some computer? We identify with particular imagery because it resonates with us. It makes sense to us? To attempt to think in a way that is outside your mental box is a challenge and one thats takes time and practice to delvelop. I see this image as being useful to me for the reasons mentioned above, also, I hope I can incorporate some of it's subtle sense and feeling into my UT project..

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